Sunday, November 9, 2008

This I Believe?

I recently learned about an essay contest/compilation (don't know what to call it) dealing with essays written about, basically, what people believe. It took me such a long time to figure out what to write about. I kept coming up with such cliche ideas like: everything happens for a reason, love at first sight, you don't know what you have until it's gone and gobbledygook like that. Is it bad to not really know what I believe in? I mean I believe in so many things like treat others how you wish to be treated, allow people to have an abortion or gay people to be married, God, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny (well, maybe not the last two...ha ha) but I can't really write about any of those things.

I was thinking so hard about this all day today (no seriously I was!) and I came up with you have to learn from your mistakes. Now I know that this goes on my list of cliche but I do have a few stories that I can talk about that involve this topic. So:
a), there are a two stories I can think of here
b) about a paper i had written got a bad grade and rewrote (totally cliche if you ask me)
c) none of the above

If anyone has any suggestions, I am desperate; I have no clue what to write about!!!

1 comment:

Miller said...

Merissa: I'm glad to see you are thinking about the essay and a topic. It is hard. I've decided to write one myself and am having a tough time.

Let me ask you this about your topic (all in the interests of pushing you to think more). Why do we have to learn from our mistakes? When do we know when we've learned? Once we make another mistake again, aren't we back to square one? When does it start?

Now I know you're probably going to kill me for throwing up unanswerable questions on a topic you are already struggling with. But maybe you have to take it in a new direction. Your essay doesn't have to solve the age old problem, but maybe just shed insight into how you are grappling with such issues. If you are worried about it being cliche, then try to turn it on its ear. Everyone can probably share a story about a bad grade or a boy/girl. Make yours different or maybe a steppingstone to related ideas.

I'm going to stop now because I don't want to confuse you even more. I had originally come to your blog to post a link to another school newspaper and saw this entry. Anyway, here's the link for the school paper:

Good luck and keep thinking...